Mozilla Firefox Shines Spotlight


Mozilla Firefox Shines Spotlight on the Artwork of Melissa Mahoney

What does the Fox say? Fine artist Melissa Mahoney is thrilled to announce that the open-source web browser, Mozilla Firefox Corporation has recently acquired one of her paintings. The 24” x 24” acrylic painting is reminiscent of their iconic logo.

Mozilla Firefox shared the work Saturday with its 21 million followers on Twitter and Facebook. The social media post, which was translated into eight different languages, read “Firefox energy feeding the canvas and creating art with paint and dyes by artist Melissa Mahoney.”

A Digital Strategist at Mozilla first saw the painting on an internal news feed and was drawn to its energy and vitality, as well as it’s resemblance to the Mozilla logo. This led to Mozilla incorporating this onto their social media channels.

In addition, Mozilla’s project manager in charge of designing the space for the new headquarters also saw this painting on the internal news feed. This led to the purchase of Melissa’s artwork for the new Mountain View, California headquarters.

“I am flattered that Firefox saw the connection between my painting and their logo.” says artist Melissa Mahoney. “This is part of a series that is Ensō-inspired. Ensō is a Japanese word that means circle. It symbolizes absolute enlightenment and strength. I originally created this painting, exploring the use of complimentary colors, such as orange/blue and green/red. I think the tension of colors is what makes this painting really bold and energetic,” says Mahoney.

New Painting Featured Online and Exhibited in New Headquarters
Painting title: VULPES/Latin for “foxes” or “vixen”
Palo Alto, CA – March 24, 2014

@FireFox on Twitter post announcing acquisition:

Melissa Mahoney

Abstract painter / Palo Alto, California



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